Raw Unit Site

32-34 Hoskins Avenue Bankstown,

Raw Unit Site

32-34 Hoskins Avenue, Bankstown

Potential unit development site proudly and exclusively offered by RightSite. Located on the favourable side of bankstown within close proximity to bankstown airport, hospital, M5 motorway and the Bankstown CBD.
You are invited to explore the potential of the current improvements on the land which could generate a greater rental income than the median for similar properties.

2 homes with a total of 10 bedrooms
32 Hoskins | 5 bedrooms  | 2 Kitchens | 3 Baths | 2 Living | 2 Dining 
34 Hoskins | 5 bedrooms  | 2 Kitchens | 2 Baths | 2 Living | 1 Dining  

Land Size | 1212m2*
Combined Frontage | 28.6m* 
Zoning | R4 High Density
Council | City of Canterbury Bankstown Council 


1.5km from M5 Motorway
5km from Bankstown Airport
4km from Bankstown Hospital
14km from Sydney Airport 
21km From Sydney CBD

Please contact Maroon Rizk directly on 0414 822 222 to discuss further.

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